Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Sustained Release Vita-CTM500 mg
Friday, December 6, 2013
Chewable Vita-C™ 100 mg
Chewable Vita-C™ 100 mg | |
Vitamin C memainkan peranan penting dalam memelihara kandungan antioksidan semulajadi tubuh dan juga penting untuk tulang, gigi dan gusi yang sihat serta keseluruhan kesihatan yang baik. Vitamin C tambahan diperlukan bagi ibu-ibu mengandung dan yang sedang menyusukan bayi di mana diet harian sahaja tidak mampu memberikan vitamin C yang mencukupi. Chewable Vita-C dengan rasa limau dapat menyediakan vitamin C setara 1½ buah oren. Ia ideal juga untuk kanak-kanak atau sesiapa sahaja yang sukar untuk menelan pil. Tiada perasa tiruan, pemanis, pewarna atau bahan pengawet tambahan. * Produk ini bukan bertujuan untuk mendiagnos, merawat, menyembuhkan atau mencegah sebarang penyakit. | |
Kod Produk | 10102 (90 pil) |
Chewable Vita-C,
menyusu bayi,
vit c,
vita c,
vitamin C
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Vitamin C
VITAMIN C is the best-known and certainly the most widely supplemented nutrient.
We need a Vitamin C intake from our food or other sources of the least 300mg daily, which is equivalent of perhaps 6 averages-sized oranges.
What are the best food sources?
Vitamin C is found in all fresh fruit and vegetables, but particularly good sources include acerola cherries, all citrus fruits, canataloupe melons, pineapples, blackcurrants, strawberries, kiwi fruit, peppers, potatoes, cauliflower and dark greeny leaf vegetables such as kale.
How does the body use it?
Vitamin C is used in incredibly diverse ways, but it is probably most commonly recognized for its role in our immune system, where it promotes resistance to infection, whether bacterial or viral.
Vitamin C is vital for healthy connective tissues because its role in preventing scurvy and ensuring healthy skin. Healthy ligaments and bone structure are all dependents on Vitamin C, as is effective wound healing. It also helps to combat stress because it is used in the formation of hormones.
Prepare you MEAL:
Breakfast: Melon Smoothie and mixd berries, with yoghurt.
Lunch: Small jacked potato with salad of broccoli and peppers.
Dinner: Duck breast with cherries and shredded kale lightly wilted with garlic and onion, and orange wedges.
Source: http://
citrus fruits,
food source,
vit c,
vita c,
vitamin C
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Rawatan/Ubat Semulajadi untuk Selsema (Natural Treatment/Remedy for Flu)
1) Minyak bawang putih (Garlic Oil)
Minyak bawang putih ini boleh digunakan sama ada untuk disapu pada dada ataupun tapak kaki anak jika anak anda mengalami batuk/selsema .
- Bakar bawang putih diatas api tanpa membuang kulit bawang tersebut.
- Kemudian lenyekkan bawang tersebut di dalam pinggan yang berisi minyak. Anda boleh gunakan sama ada minyak zaitun/minyak masak.
- Kemudian sapukan pada tapak kaki/dada anak anda.
2) Kaedah Stokin Bawang Putih (Garlic Socks)
- Pakaikan anak stokin berlubang besar sedikit seperti jenis berkait atau yg berlubang- lubang, kemudian ambil sehelai lagi stokin masukkan bawang putih yg telah ditumbuk (tidak perlu lumat )
- Untuk bayi ambil separuh bawang putih dahulu ditakuti kaki anak terlalu kepanasan (tujuan guna 2 stokin berlapis adalah bagi mengelakkan tapak kaki bayi kemerahan sbb kepanasan bawang putih).
- Untuk anak yg lebih dewasa, boleh guna sehelai stokin sahaja atau lekatkan sahaja bawang putih di tumit menggunakan handsaplast. Biar anak tidur semalaman begitu. Selalunya, nafas anak juga akan berbau bawang putih apabila bangun tidur.
Tujuannya supaya bawang putih itu menyerap dalam kulit sebagai antivirus .
Garlic enters your system and heads straight for the lungs.Garlic is amazing for the lungs. This is a great way to fight bacterial infections. It also enhances your immune system and fights viruses at the same time
(Bawang putih sangat bagus bagi tujuan merawat selsema batuk)
3) Kaedah Stokin Lemon (Lemon Socks)
Untuk anak yang tidak tahan dengan bawang putih, boleh ganti dengan lemon socks
- Sediakan sebiji lemon, kain untuk membungkus kaki (boleh pakai towel good morning) dan sepasang stoking tebal (gunakan jenis kapas)
- Perahkan sebiji lemon ke dalam bekas yang berisi yang suam.
- Rendamkan kain/towel tadi ke dalam bekas berisi air suam dan perah, balutkan pada kaki anak dan sarung dengan stoking .
- Anda boleh juga gunakan stoking terus dan rendamkan ke dalam air suam dan pakaikan terus stoking itu pada kaki anak.
- Jika stokin itu telah kering, celupkan lagi dalam air lemon dan pakaikan kembali.
*Semua penawar yang mahu digunakan perlu lakukan ujian pada kulit anak dahulu..oleskan sedikit bahan yg mahu digunakan, tunggu dalam setengah jam, lihat ada keradangan kulit atau tidak. Jika tidak boleh teruskan, jika ada sila hentikan. Kaedah ini dipanggil Patch Test.
Kredit: http:// jomhealthywithme.blogspot.c om/2013/10/ natural-remedies-vs-ubat-ub atan.html
~ Health Legacy
Minyak bawang putih ini boleh digunakan sama ada untuk disapu pada dada ataupun tapak kaki anak jika anak anda mengalami batuk/selsema .
- Bakar bawang putih diatas api tanpa membuang kulit bawang tersebut.
- Kemudian lenyekkan bawang tersebut di dalam pinggan yang berisi minyak. Anda boleh gunakan sama ada minyak zaitun/minyak masak.
- Kemudian sapukan pada tapak kaki/dada anak anda.
2) Kaedah Stokin Bawang Putih (Garlic Socks)
- Pakaikan anak stokin berlubang besar sedikit seperti jenis berkait atau yg berlubang- lubang, kemudian ambil sehelai lagi stokin masukkan bawang putih yg telah ditumbuk (tidak perlu lumat )
- Untuk bayi ambil separuh bawang putih dahulu ditakuti kaki anak terlalu kepanasan (tujuan guna 2 stokin berlapis adalah bagi mengelakkan tapak kaki bayi kemerahan sbb kepanasan bawang putih).
- Untuk anak yg lebih dewasa, boleh guna sehelai stokin sahaja atau lekatkan sahaja bawang putih di tumit menggunakan handsaplast. Biar anak tidur semalaman begitu. Selalunya, nafas anak juga akan berbau bawang putih apabila bangun tidur.
Tujuannya supaya bawang putih itu menyerap dalam kulit sebagai antivirus .
Garlic enters your system and heads straight for the lungs.Garlic is amazing for the lungs. This is a great way to fight bacterial infections. It also enhances your immune system and fights viruses at the same time
(Bawang putih sangat bagus bagi tujuan merawat selsema batuk)
3) Kaedah Stokin Lemon (Lemon Socks)
Untuk anak yang tidak tahan dengan bawang putih, boleh ganti dengan lemon socks
- Sediakan sebiji lemon, kain untuk membungkus kaki (boleh pakai towel good morning) dan sepasang stoking tebal (gunakan jenis kapas)
- Perahkan sebiji lemon ke dalam bekas yang berisi yang suam.
- Rendamkan kain/towel tadi ke dalam bekas berisi air suam dan perah, balutkan pada kaki anak dan sarung dengan stoking .
- Anda boleh juga gunakan stoking terus dan rendamkan ke dalam air suam dan pakaikan terus stoking itu pada kaki anak.
- Jika stokin itu telah kering, celupkan lagi dalam air lemon dan pakaikan kembali.
*Semua penawar yang mahu digunakan perlu lakukan ujian pada kulit anak dahulu..oleskan sedikit bahan yg mahu digunakan, tunggu dalam setengah jam, lihat ada keradangan kulit atau tidak. Jika tidak boleh teruskan, jika ada sila hentikan. Kaedah ini dipanggil Patch Test.
Kredit: http://
~ Health Legacy
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Boleh dikatakan kebanyakan bayi yang mengalami batuk dan selsema tidak memerlukan ubat. Daya tahan dan antibody dalam tubuh bayi itu sendiri yang akan berusaha untuk mendapatkan penyembuhan secara semulajadi, dengan izin ALLAH.
Berikan bayi puan masa dan peluang untuk dia membina antibody dalam badan mereka dalam usaha penyembuhan. Insya ALLAH walaupun anak puan mengalami batuk dan slsema, beliau masih sihat dan tidak perlukan apa-apa ubat terutama jika anak puan berusia setahun ke atas.
Cuma ada beberapa keadaan di mana ibubapa, terutama yang mempunyai anak berusia satu tahun ke bawah untuk segera membawa anak yang demam, batuk dan selsema ke klinik.
• Batuk dan selsema yang tidak sembuh selepas lima hari.
• Batuk dan selsema sehingga menyebabkan anak tidak aktif dan mengalami sukar bernafas.
• Batuk dan selsema disertai demam melebihi 38 darjah celcius bagi yang berumur 6 bulan ke bawah dan melebihi 39 darjah celcius bagi bayi berumur bawah setahun.
• Selsema dan batuk dengan kahak berwarna hijau atau kuning.
Jadi berhati-hatilah dengan ubat yang dibeli dan pada masa yang sama dapatkan nasihat doktor jika tidak pasti dengan keadaan anak puan.
Sumber: http://drzubaidi.com/blog/
Monday, October 21, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Natural Remedies For Cold & Flu
1. Avoiding grains, sugars and other highly starchy foods will also ensure that the body is functioning at peak immunity should it encounter a virus or bacteria.
2. Some studies show that optimizing vitamin D goes a long way to preventing illness and shortening duration.
3. Getting enough sleep is also crucial to preventing illness, and even a couple nights of interrupted or not enough sleep can leave the body worn down and unable to resist illness.
4. Regular exercise has also been shown to reduce the number of times a person gets ill per year and the duration.
Home Remedies From Things Already In Your House
1. Garlic- A powerhouse natural antibiotic, anti fungal, and antibacterial, garlic can tackle almost any illness. For the most potent effect, finely mince 1-2 cloves or garlic and float in a small glass of water. Drink quickly- if you are sick enough, you won’t even notice the taste. Note: Pregnant women should not take more than 1 clove of garlic medicinally per day, and children often resist this remedy.
2. Hydrogen Peroxide- At the first sign of cold, flu, sinus infection, or ear infection, put a dropperful of hydrogen peroxide into each ear. Have the person lie still with the hydrogen peroxide in the ear until it stops bubbling. Do this on both sides. This is especially effective for kids. Repeat every few hours until infection is gone.
3. Hot Liquids- This one is pretty instinctive, but load up on the hot herbal teas and hot lemon water at first sign of illness. The heat helps boost immune system and a variety of herbs can help with infection.
4. Cinnamon- Good for more than just stabilizing blood sugar, cinnamon is an effective antiviral and antibiotic. When sick, mix 1 tablespoon with 1 teaspoon of honey and stir to make a spicy and very effective tea that helps relieve cough and congestion and lower fever.
5. Face Steam- In a pinch, this can be made with kitchen herbs. Boil 1-2 cups of water in a large pot. Remove from heat, add 2 teaspoons each of thyme,rosemary and oregano. Cover for 5 minutes with a lid, and then remove lid and put face directly over pot with towel covering your head to hold in the heat. Breathe in the steam as long as you can, aim for 15 minutes. This will help loosen congestion and kill viruses and bacteria in the lungs, bronchials or sinuses. Alternately, you can use 1/2 cup vinegar in the steam. It won’t smell great, but it will help fight the illness.
6. Remove White Foods- At the first sign of illness, completely remove all white foods from the diet. This includes grains, sugars, milk, cheese, dairy, sweeteners, soda, etc. These foods suppress immune function and slow the body’s healing ability. When you are ill, you don’t actually need to eat a lot of food, as the body needs to focus more on healing than digestion. Eat fresh chicken soup and drink hot liquids to keep strength up.
7. Hydrate and Rest- If the body is running a fever (which means it is fighting the illness) the best support you can give is to stay well hydrated on water and herbal teas and to rest enough. The body needs several extra hours of rest a day when ill, and often several extra glasses of water also. If you are running a fever, it is easier to get dehydrated, so drink enough water!
Herbs to help beat cold and flu:
1. Nettle Leaf- Some natural doctors say this is the only herb needed for illness treatment. It contains large amounts of vitamins and trace minerals and helps the body stay hydrated and remove toxins. In a tea with Red Raspberry Leaf, Alfalfa and Peppermint, it makes a powerful immune supporting and illness preventing remedy.
2. Elderberry- Elderberry is well known for supporting the body, especially during flu. You can find conventionally made elderberry syrups at many stores now, or to save money, make your own. Here is the recipe.
3. Ginger- In capsule form, ginger can greatly help with nausea and vomiting associated with the flu. It can also help with high fever and headache. Fresh ginger root can be steeped in boiling water to make a tea that is very effective against sinus symptoms and congestion.
4. Yarrow- Unsurpassed for flu and fever, and great for children. If used abundantly in tea or tincture at the beginning of an illness, it will usually shorten the illness to less than 24 hours. It is especially good for fevers as it induces perspiration and is great for all childhood type illnesses. It is naturally bitter, so it is often good to include peppermint and stevia leaf when making a tea. It is great for the liver and kidneys and supports the endocrine system.
5. Chamomile- An absolute staple, especially for kids. Chamomile calms the nerves, helps children sleep better and reduces inflammation or fever. Soaking a chamomile tea bag in warm water and placing over an eye for 15 minutes every 2 hours will relieve pink eye in less than 24 hours. Chamomile tastes great and is easy to get kids to take. We use it in tea and tincture formula. It is also great for regulating hormones and for the skin and can be used regularly for good sleep.
6. Peppermint- Great for all digestive disturbances and for lowering fever. It can be used as a tea or tincture or rubbed on the skin to bring a high fever down. It is antimicrobial and antiviral and kids usually love the taste. It can be consumed as a hot tea or cold tea during illness in any amounts.
7. Catnip- A traditional cold and flu remedy, and a great herb for children. It helps induce sleep and settles the stomach. As a tincture or tea, it is a great herb for combating flu, cold or other illness.
8. Red Clover- Very high in nutrients, Red Clover purifies the blood and relaxes the body. It has been used in hormonal preparations, but is also useful in treating almost any illness. Can be used in tea or tincture.
Vitamins For Cold and Flu Treatment
1. Vitamin D3- A hormone precursor, this vitamin is finally getting recognition as a necessary nutrient for health. Optimizing Vitamin D levels can help prevent illness in the first place, and taking several thousand IU a day while sick can help speed recovery. Blood tests can help determine any underlying deficiency. This can also be obtained from supplements like Fermented Cod Liver Oil.
2. Vitamin C- Perhaps the best vitamin for cold and flu, vitamin C in large amounts can greatly speed recovery. Most adults need 2,000-5,000 mg a day or more when ill, and kids can need up to 2,000 mg. It is water soluble, so chance of overdose is low. In severe cases, patients were given 100,000 mg/day in an IV formula and these patients recovered from cases of the flu that were deemed terminal. Use the ascorbic acid form, and chewable varieties are available for kids.
3. Zinc- Can prevent a cold or flu virus from reproducing and can help relieve respiratory symptoms. Adults should consume 50-75 mg a day when sick in capsule or lozenge.
Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals for Illness Treatment
1. Oregano and Oregano Oil- Oregano oil is a potent natural antibiotic and antiviral. When 5-6 drops are put in a glass of water and gargled, it can stop a sore throat in its tracks. 5-6 drops in a glass of water swallowed can help kill flu or infection in under 24 hours. It is tough to get kids to take oregano oil, as it is very strong. Pregnant women should not take oregano oil.
2. Thyme and Thyme Oil- A tea (not nice tasting) made from thyme is very effective against cold and flu. Thyme oil rubbed on the skin will help the body fight infection. Pregnant women and small children should not use thyme.
Other Effective Natural Remedies
1. Coconut Oil- Coconut oil is high in lauric acid and is thought to dissolve the lipid coating around some viruses and make them more susceptible to attack by the immune system. If sick, aim for 5-6 tablespoons per day in food or melted and stirred into hot tea. Coconut oil has many other health benefits as well and is known to boost the immune system.
2. Onions and Garlic on the Feet at night- For extreme cases of illness, I slice onion and garlic and place all over the bottom of the infected person’s foot (rub olive oil on the foot first). I then wrap the foot in saran wrap and place a sock on overnight. Onions and garlic have been shown to pull toxins and help the body heal. Some natural practitioners even claim that having cut onions around will absorb toxins and keep others in the family from getting sick, though I have not tried this.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar Gargle and Drink- Yes, it tastes awful, but if you are sick enough, you won’t taste it anyway. Drink a tablespoon in water (gargle first) at the first sign of illness and repeat hourly until symptoms disappear. This alkalizes the body and helps kill viruses and bacteria.
4. Chlorophyll in Water- You can find concentrated chlorophyll with a mint flavoring- my kids love this one! They will drink it straight. Chlorophyll is a great blood purifier and can help bring fever down. It alkalizes the body and is very high in nutrients. For mild illness, this is often all that is needed to help children recover.
Putting It All Together
Hydrogen Peroxide in ears
Removal of all grains, dairy, sugars, etc.
Consumption of only water with chlorophyll and herbal teas
Garlic in water followed by cinnamon honey tea (twice a day)
Chamomile, Yarrow, Catnip and Peppermint tincture (every 3 hours)
Cool nettle, red raspberry, alfalfa and peppermint tea to sip with grapefruit seed extract added
Edlerberry syrup every 2 hours
Vitamin C and Zinc every 2-3 hours in small doses until bowel tolerance
Apple cider vinegar gargle and drink every few hours if they will take it
Hot tea with melted coconut oil before bed
Onions and garlic on feet during sleep
Important Notes: I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be a doctor. I cannot treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any illness. If you have concerns about any illness, talk to your doctor. Do you own research on natural remedies to ensure that you think they are safe. If your are pregnant or nursing, consult a qualified specialist before taking any herb or supplement.
Source: http://wellnessmama.com/
~ Health Legacy
Apple Cider Vinegar,
Coconut Oil,
vitamin C,
vitamin D,
vitamin D3,
Our work is guided by the belief that a legacy is not just something you leave behind when you die. It’s something you build every day you live. We are working to build a legacy of healthier lives for all Malaysians. We strives to create a legacy of positive health in Malaysia, inshaa Allah.
Our legacy is good health for all family members, friends, communities, world etc. That means helping people get healthy, and staying that way. Our fundamental responsibility is to improve the wellness of every people, to empower people to live healthier lives, and to create a legacy that truly lives on.
Visit our FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/MyHealthLegacy
Our work is guided by the belief that a legacy is not just something you leave behind when you die. It’s something you build every day you live. We are working to build a legacy of healthier lives for all Malaysians. We strives to create a legacy of positive health in Malaysia, inshaa Allah.
Our legacy is good health for all family members, friends, communities, world etc. That means helping people get healthy, and staying that way. Our fundamental responsibility is to improve the wellness of every people, to empower people to live healthier lives, and to create a legacy that truly lives on.
Visit our FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/MyHealthLegacy
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